KOC: key opinion customer ( no status quo compared with KOL), KOC is much different from the KOL. KOCs are valued by their opinion from their experience with products and services. They are people of no status quo, which makes them relatable to the audience.
PAVG: 这是mega gravity公司的指标,现在因为数据采集滞后已经失去时效性和准确度了。
- performance
- Advertisement
- Value
- Growth
CPC: cost per click CPM: cost per 1000 impressions (ad is technically loaded, but may not be seen)
- Active View CPM:
- at least 50% of the ad is visible within the visitor’s browser window
- the ad was visible for more than 1 second.
CPE: cost per engagement
CPV: cost per view
CPUV: cost per unique visitor
刊例:媒体广告部门提供的可以发布在其上的广告形式,价格表和报价手册。 我们可以通俗地理解为:刊载在媒体(电视、广播、报纸、杂志、网络媒体、户外媒体)上的广告的价目表。 - 可理解为catalog 
TGI: target group index。
SOV: sound of voice 声量
TP: tactic partner 代运营, 俗称媒介,代表广告客户与MCN达人进行合作。
IMC media: Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is the process of unifying a brand’s messaging to make it consistent across all media that the brand uses to reach its target audience. It’s a strategic approach that guides communication and tactics used across all marketing channels.
年框: 年度预算,业内经常存在广告客户(例如欧莱雅)与广告公司之间的年度合作协议。约定合同额达到一定值后,可以得到更优惠的折扣、返点。走媒介平台官方通道(例如蒲公英、星图)则有返点。水下交易(不经过平台)则有折扣价。 广告公司与供应商(MCN机构)之间也往往有类似协议。 以确保年度经营目标达成。