- docker daemon启动时创建了docker0网桥,随后自动分配私有IP和port。
- docker daemon会修改iptables规则。会创建DOCKER的特殊过滤链,并插入FORWARD链的最上面。
- docker daemon也会修改iptables nat以便建立对外的连接。
- docker对每个container创建veth(virtual ethernet)网络设备。
(dockerfile) CMD
- If
is used to provide default arguments for theENTRYPOINT
instruction, both theCMD
instructions should be specified with the JSON array format. - 只有最后一条会生效。
- docker run YOUR_COMMAND会覆盖
- 用于给
- If
执行多个script -
docker run
时传递给container的命令。例如# DOCKERFILE FROM alpine ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "Hello,"] CMD ["World"] #build docker build -t test . # run with CMD entry docker run --rm test # => Hello, World # run with command request docker run --rm test "Alice!" # => Hello, Alice The contents of ENTRYPOINT are not changed as shown below, and the contents of CMD are overwritten as they are. 在run这个镜像时,后续无论输入什么,都会被认为是entrypoint命令的参数。 同时命令行新输入的参数会覆盖掉CMD。 例如: # run with expected executables docker run --rm test ls # => Hello, ls
docker run --privileged ${IMAGE_ID}
grants a Docker container root capabilities to all devices on the host system. Running a container in privileged mode gives it the capabilities of its host machine. For example, it enables it to modify App Arm and SELinux configurationsdocker inspect --format='{{.HostConfig.Privileged}}' [container_id]
docker 网络默认使用bridge模式;