First Missing Postive solution
The official solution requires a 3-pass array traverse, and is easy to get wrong when coding.
I learnt and developed a better solution is based on two-pointers and loop invariant.
class Solution {
public int firstMissingPositive(int[] nums) {
int left = 0, right = nums.length;
while (left < right) {
if (nums[left] == left + 1) {
} else if (nums[left] <= left || nums[left] > right || nums[left] == nums[nums[left] - 1]) {
nums[left] = nums[--right];
} else {
nums[left] = nums[nums[left] - 1] ^ nums[left] ^ (nums[nums[left] - 1] = nums[left]);
return right + 1;
- On the left side, we already see the number
. The expected number is more significant than theleft
. - On the right side, the
is the largest possible answer.- Initially, the best answer is
nums. length + 1
, when all element range from 1 tonums. length
and no repetition. - If nums[left] == left + 1, we should mark it and increase left border
- In following three conditions, we reduce right border and put rightmost element to check in the next loop;
- If any number is out of range (left, right)(both are exclusive), we wasted one potential answer slot. So right shall be minus by one;
- If any number is in range (left, right) but already seen, it also means one potential answer slot is wasted.
- If the above two condition is not satisfied, the number-on-checking ranges from [left + 1, right]. If we got nums[left] == nums[nums[left] - 1], it means one repetition is shown, so one slot is also wasted.
- If above situation is not satisfied, it’s means
(the checked one) is range in [left + 1, right) and no repetition found. We need to put it in right position and check it again in next loop;
- Initially, the best answer is
A more clear expression:
public int firstMissingPositive(int[] nums) {
int left = 0, right = nums.length;
while (left < right) {
if (nums[left] == left + 1) {
} else if (nums[left] <= left || nums[left] > right) {
nums[left] = nums[--right];
} else {
if (nums[left] == nums[nums[left] - 1]) {
nums[left] = nums[--right];
} else {
nums[left] = nums[nums[left] - 1] ^ nums[left] ^ (nums[nums[left] - 1] = nums[left]);
return left + 1;